IR35 Contract Reviews

IR35 Contract and Working Practices Review for limited company contractors

Trusted for over 20 years by thousands of contractors, our IR35 contract and working practices review is the most comprehensive available.

Unless you have ample time to delve into extensive HMRC guidance and decades of IR35 case law, you may not feel confident and risk-free in making your own robust IR35 status decision. Our contract review service eases this burden, giving you peace of mind and leaving you to get on with running your business.

Did you know? An independent contract & working practices review is excellent evidence in demonstrating you’ve met your ‘reasonable care’ obligations and therefore mitigating penalties in the event of an HMRC investigation. 

Whether you need assurance that your client has accurately assessed your IR35 status under the off-payroll rules and are not exposed to any contractual tax liabilities, or you’re contracting with an exempt client, making you responsible and liable for your own IR35 status, our service has you fully protected.

£245 + VAT – no hidden fees 

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What is covered?
  • Review of all contractual documentation.
  • Comprehensive review of your business features and the reality of the working practices.
  • Review of client Status Determination Statements where applicable.
  • Contract amendments – if changes to your contract are appropriate, we will negotiate these on your behalf with your client or agency.
  • We also provide feedback on (and can include in our negotiation) issues such as unreasonable contractual indemnities and unfair terms relating to notice periods, payment terms and restrictive covenants.
  • Written IR35 opinion report – inside or outside IR35, including summary.
  • Speedy turnaround – initial feedback within a maximum of 5 working days, usually quicker. We also accommodate urgent reviews where possible, at no extra cost.

Might need more than one review within 12 months? Check out our Contractor Guardian Plus service

Want to appeal an inside IR35 determination? You’ll need our IR35 SOS service

Why B&C?
  • We are one of the UK’s leading and most reputable IR35 specialists, our experts having over 20 years of hands-on experience working with the IR35 / Off-Payroll Working legislation. During this time we have assisted thousands of contractors in successfully managing their IR35 compliance.
  • Our reviews are all undertaken personally by real and proven IR35 experts – we don’t use tools or automation and most of our consultants are ex-HMRC compliance staff, all with an in-depth understanding of up-to-date IR35 case law.
  • We have an unprecedented track record of winning 100% of the hundreds of HMRC investigations we have defended.
  • We pride ourselves in our unrivalled contract negotiation skills – we have long-standing and great working relationships with many large agencies and engagers, and an impressive success rate at agreeing contract changes.
  • We genuinely care about your situation and are committed to assisting you in achieving the strongest possible position to demonstrate ‘reasonable care’, as required by the IR35 legislation.
  • With our support, you can work confidently, knowing that you are well-prepared to handle any IR35-related challenges that come your way.

Read some of the great feedback we’ve received from our clients.


My agency says my contract is “IR35 friendly”, do I still need a review?

Be very careful with this statement! Firstly, a recruitment consultant’s view of what an ‘IR35 friendly’ contract looks like quite often differs to ours.  Secondly, and most importantly, your IR35 status will ultimately be decided on the reality of your working practices despite what the contract says (agencies will typically provide boiler-plate terms that can have no correlation to your working arrangements).  This is why a review that only considers the written contract in isolation is of no benefit, and our reviews cover comprehensive consideration of all aspects.

My contract is under the new IR35 (off-payroll) rules applicable to public sector and medium/large private sector engagers, so my client is responsible for deciding my status.  Can I still benefit from a review?

Absolutely! Our review will ensure that the correct party has accurately assessed your status and provided all of the required documentation, ensure that your contract fully supports your determination and we will advise you if your terms expose you to any contractual tax and NI risk through indemnity clauses.

It is also possible for the client to change their determination at any time during the currency of your contract.  An independent review at the outset will better equip you to deal with this situation.

Why don’t you provide IR35 insurance?

For the simple reason we have never needed to! IR35 insurance typically covers financial liabilities related to IR35 investigations and tax disputes. However, our approach is to proactively prevent such issues through robust and accurate assessments and compliance strategies, thereby minimising the risks that IR35 insurance would typically cover.  We have won every case we have defended without ever reaching tribunal stage.

IR35 insurance is not a one-size-fits-all solution. We prefer to work closely with each client to understand their unique circumstances and provide tailored recommendations that address their specific compliance needs, and by not offering IR35 insurance, we avoid potential conflicts of interest and maintain the integrity of our assessments and advice.

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Need to discuss your situation first?  No problem – get in touch

Or speak to a member of our dedicated team today 01525 406622

Did you know? Our Contractor Guardian Plus annual service for contractors includes not only unlimited reviews, but also the priceless benefit of free HMRC defence!  This provides additional peace for our mind for our clients who need that extra bit of comfort.

If you are an engager looking for IR35 assessment services for your contractors, you’ll need our IR35 status assessment service

The status / IR35 / Off-Payroll experts

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