Bauer & Cottrell IR35 Associate Membership

Bauer & Cottrell IR35 Associate Membership Service – the peace of mind of having assistance and solutions available at your fingertips

At Bauer & Cottrell, we understand the complexities and challenges that the IR35 legislation can bring to engagers, agencies and accountancy providers dealing with limited company contractors. That’s why we’ve designed our exclusive IR35 Associate Membership Service, a comprehensive solution tailored to meet your specific needs in navigating the intricate world of IR35 and off-payroll compliance.

£1,500 + VAT for 12 months  

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Who benefits from our IR35 Associate Membership Service?

Engagers/Clients/Consultancies: As an engager of contractors, your responsibilities under the IR35 off-payroll working rules are substantial, along with the requirement to exercise ‘reasonable care’. Becoming a Bauer & Cottrell Associate Member simplifies this burden by offering you expert guidance, tailored support, and peace of mind. We’re here to ensure that you remain compliant without the headache.

Agencies: Recruitment agencies often find themselves in the middle of IR35 complexities and are burdened with ‘fee payer’ responsibility and associated tax and NIC liabilities. With our service, you can confidently guide both your contractors and clients, ensuring seamless and compliant engagements, all while strengthening your reputation as a trusted supplier.

Contractor Accountancies: For accountancy firms, our IR35 Associate Membership Service offers a lifeline to ensure your clients remain compliant with the ever-evolving IR35 rules. It’s about being proactive, staying ahead of the curve, providing invaluable insights and value-added services to your clients.

Unsure about how you’re affected by IR35? Read our guide

Why Choose Bauer & Cottrell’s IR35 Associate Membership Service?

Simple – if any of the following are relevant to you and cannot be confidently answered as ‘yes’, you will benefit from partnering with us:

  • Are you completely up to date with IR35 and the case law that underpins it?
  • Do you have robust and tested processes in place to ensure your compliance with the rules?
  • Are you confident that you can identify all the relevant parties in your supply chains and the financial risks for each party?
  • Are you able to confidently navigate tricky cases and deal with your contractor’s IR35 disputes and appeals?
  • Do you know how IR35 and off-payroll enquiries and investigations are handled by HMRC?
  • Do you train your staff in IR35 and give them rapid access to IR35 experts?
  • Where applicable, do you thoroughly review the contractor’s day-to-day working practices, as well as their written contract?
  • Do you believe that IR35 status can be adequately determined by using an automated ‘tools’ or ‘calculators’ in isolation?
  • Are you aware that using HMRC’s CEST tool does not demonstrate reasonable care in most cases?
For just £1500 + VAT per year, becoming a Bauer & Cottrell Associate Member promises you:
  1. Priority access to Bauer & Cottrell status experts: We know that sometimes, you just need a quick answer or confirmation. With our IR35 helpline, you and your contractors have direct access to our team of proven experts. Whether it’s clarifying a doubt or seeking guidance, a call to us is all it takes.
  2. Exclusive discounts on all of our comprehensive IR35 & off-payroll services*: including contract reviews, IR35 assessments, managed-service supply chain reviews, HMRC audit assistance and our popular Contractor Guardian Plus service. This means substantial cost savings for your organisation, making compliance more affordable.
  3. A Bauer and Cottrell Associate Member stamp for use on your website and company promotional material.
  4. Assistance whenever you need it: IR35 issues can arise unexpectedly. Rest assured, we’re here whenever you require assistance. Our team is just a call or email away, ready to provide guidance and solutions promptly.
  5. Tailored support: We understand that every business is unique. Our IR35 Associate Membership Service is flexible and tailored to your specific needs, regardless of where you sit in the contractual chain. Whether you prefer us to handle complex cases or require comprehensive support in all IR35 matters, we’ve got you covered with as little, or as much support as you need.
  6. The benefit and competitive edge of demonstrating a commitment to robust IR35 compliance to your clients, contractors and suppliers.

*There is no obligation to purchase any of our additional services by appointing us as a partner.

Browse our extensive range of additional services.
Why Bauer & Cottrell?

Bauer & Cottrell enjoys an excellent reputation in the industry, based on our principles of professionalism, honesty and integrity.

  • Proven experts – We are one of the UK’s leading and most reputable IR35 specialists, our experts having over 20 years of hands-on experience working with the IR35 / off-payroll working legislation. During this time, we have assisted thousands of contractors and businesses in successfully managing their IR35 compliance.
  • Most of our technical consultants are ex-HMRC compliance staff, all with an in-depth working knowledge of up-to-date IR35 case law.
  • We have an unprecedented track record of winning 100% of the hundreds of HMRC IR35 investigations we have defended.
  • Independent and impartial – which helps ensure objectivity, fairness and accuracy, ultimately benefiting both you and your contractors.
  • The historical reliability and integrity of our work and advice means we have never needed to back our services with IR35 insurance.
  • We genuinely care about the success of your business and with our support, you can work confidently, knowing that you are well-prepared to handle any IR35-related challenges that come your way.

Read some of the great feedback we’ve received from our clients.

Invest in compliance, reap priceless benefits

With our IR35 Associate Membership Service, you not only substantially support your ‘reasonable care’ obligations but can also gain a competitive edge, avoid costly fines, maintain client trust, and streamline your operations. It’s an investment that pays off in peace of mind, financial savings, and enhanced reputation.

If you share our principles, join the ranks of those who have made the wise choice with Bauer & Cottrell. Our IR35 Associate Membership Service is your dedicated solution in navigating the complexities of IR35 and off-payroll working compliance. Let’s move forward together.

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Or speak to a member of our dedicated team today on 01525 406622


The status / IR35 / Off-Payroll experts

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