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Bauer & Cottrell IR35 Reviews - what's covered?

We offer one of the most comprehensive IR35 & Off-Payroll review services available, which are all carried out personally by highly experienced IR35 specialists, most with HMRC compliance backgrounds and over 20 years’ experience in IR35 and employment status.  

Here, we provide a detailed overview of what is covered in all Bauer & Cottrell contract review services

Anything else?

Yes, we will highlight any unbalanced terms such as, notice periods, bring to your attention unfair payment terms, carefully review indemnity clauses (which are in almost every contract we see and can be hard to spot by the un-trained eye), review restriction clauses, discuss the merits or otherwise of opting in or out of the agency Conduct Regulations plus commentary on anything else that may be incorrect, unfair, or plain wrong and explain to you your risks responsibilities and liabilities.

Remember, a Bauer & Cottrell Contract Review demonstrates that you have taken reasonable care over your IR35 position and protects you from penalties in the event of an HMRC IR35 investigation. Look out too for our free HMRC defence with the Contractor Guardian service.

Have any questions?

Get in touch today for an initial discussion regarding how we can help you.